Our Q3 Table Leagues Final Results
Browse below to see the final standings of our Q3 Table Leagues.
Our Table Leagues are first and foremost, a way for you to meet new players and enjoy your favourite miniature game(s), in a relaxed and friendly way.
The premise is simple; each Table League consists of 4 rounds, with each round lasting 3 weeks. This means you will play one game every three weeks, against a different player, and at a time that is suitable for both you and your opponent.
We organise our Table Leagues through our Discord Server, and so it is a requirement to take part in them. You can join it here:
View the current Table Leagues using the buttons below. The first number is the participants current Table League score, with the second their current total game score. (Infinity only; the third number is the total number of points left at the end of each game). The Table is sorted in position order.